Monday, January 25, 2010

...and we're back.

I know, I know. I've been horrible about blogging. To the point where I really should be banished from this thing, or have my account deleted at the very least. Alas, I hope to make it up as life gets a little busier, and this would be a nice distraction.

I've decided that I might blog a little more about cooking since I seem to be doing it a little more frequently now (read: once a week). If you're my roommate, you know that I love me some crock-pot. I've been trying to use it a little more since the weather outside is the perfect condition for this. So I googled "Crockpot Recipes" and found this one:

Looked pretty easy to make so I thought I would give it a go. I did, and it turned out great. I was really surprised at how much meat was leftover, but it made for easy decisions on what to bring for lunch the rest of the week. Nonetheless, I started it around 9AM and put it on low for a good 8-10 hours and the apartment smelled AMAZING.

Here's a picture of it in action:


And tastes even better when you have good company to share it with...

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