Sunday, April 25, 2010


I know, I'm horrible at this thing. I have good intentions, and then I sit back and let them pass.

Anyways, I kind of like throwing up YouTube videos of songs that I like at the moment and think you would too. Instead of throwing up a brand new one, I'm pulling from my iPod vault.

To this day, I could listen to this song over and over and over again. Something about the transient(?) tone and beat. And I'm pretty sure this would be a bangin' song to hear in a Vegas club at about 3:30AM (of course, only after doing your complimentary line of 'blow' upon check-in).

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Dance tune.

Dance floor in 5 min? Yep.

Thursday, February 11, 2010


Because I'm a fan of anything that will shorten my lifespan by two years (read: fatty foods), I did a simple chair dance when finding this little nugget (you'll understand the pun shortly) of information.

McDonald's has released a new dip for their Chicken Nuggets: Sweet Chili Sauce!! My nose is already beginning to run. Therefore I will be driving to the nearest set of Golden Arches within the next two weeks, since it is a limited promotion that runs through the end of the Winter Olympics. Because why wouldn't extreme physical activity compliment high caloric intake?


Monday, January 25, 2010

...and we're back.

I know, I know. I've been horrible about blogging. To the point where I really should be banished from this thing, or have my account deleted at the very least. Alas, I hope to make it up as life gets a little busier, and this would be a nice distraction.

I've decided that I might blog a little more about cooking since I seem to be doing it a little more frequently now (read: once a week). If you're my roommate, you know that I love me some crock-pot. I've been trying to use it a little more since the weather outside is the perfect condition for this. So I googled "Crockpot Recipes" and found this one:

Looked pretty easy to make so I thought I would give it a go. I did, and it turned out great. I was really surprised at how much meat was leftover, but it made for easy decisions on what to bring for lunch the rest of the week. Nonetheless, I started it around 9AM and put it on low for a good 8-10 hours and the apartment smelled AMAZING.

Here's a picture of it in action:


And tastes even better when you have good company to share it with...

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Nothing assinine about it

Just wanted to post this before I took off for a run in forest park

I really like fall in STL.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


This is another instance where, one of these things is not like the other. One day when I got home from a run back in September, I flipped on MTV to see if they were playing quality television (Ed note: Real World Rules Challenge: The Ruins) and just so happened to come across Randy Jackson's America's Best Dance Crew. Now, don't get me wrong I like to watch a good hip hop number every once in a while, but usually this show is a Snoozer (with a capital S).

It was a snoozer until the camera panned the crowd and came across this:

(motion of "hold the phone....shift it back") ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Not even 4 weeks after hauling your ass out of a North Korean labor prison, you show up in the audience of RANDY JACKSON'S AMERICA'S BEST DANCE CREW watching people crump it up to "Single Ladies"!?!?!?!? She better have been paid for this appearance. Heavily.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Kidding me?

It's too early for this crap:

-- Posted from my iPhone